Posted by & filed under 2019, Contender.

SO happy to be running with you all again this year! Have the best time!

Rebecca Kruisselbrink has improved her overall time substantially in her second and third Ultimates. What is in store for number four?

How is your training going? good routine, building a bit of volume, and speedwork; trying to stave off a few threatening injuries that seem to stick around too!

How will your ENDURrun 2019 compare to previous years? no big changes….running because I can, because I love it, and because every race challenges me in different ways

What are the key pieces of advice to Rookies that you’ve learned over the years? 1. smile! 2. enjoy the week – every race, every loop of Chicopee, and every step of the second loop of the marathon! it’s a whole year till it happens again! 3. embrace the camaraderie of the ENDURrun family!

For someone who has never been to ENDURrun week, what should they expect? You will be challenged in a way you’ve never felt before; you’ll go places and accomplish things, running, you never thought you could….and you’ll receive more encouragement and support before, after, and during each event than you thought possible.

What are your ENDURrun 2019 stories? My goal is to run strong, avoid injury, PB a few stages, and negative split the marathon 🙂 Last year I finished in tears because I BQ’d on the marathon….this year I want to finish smiling 🙂

What can we follow-up with you about in August for a profile part 2? ask me how the right plantar fascia feels – ask me if I still love running in the heat…..and ask me if EndurRun is still my favourite running event in the entire year (ie, better than Comrades and better than Boston)…..because it will be, and I’ll elaborate!

What are you most looking forward to about ENDURrun 2019? EVERYTHING.

What are you nervous about, if anything? Injury. Plantar fascia has been giving me problems. I dont’ want to get hurt….I want to run!

Can you share any details of your training? I train on 30% trails, 70% road; 80-100 km a week, sometimes more and sometimes less; try to get in a workout once or twice a week with H+P or on my own; and have been out to Chicopee a few times.

What is your runner profile? See above. Running since 2014. Milestones in 2019: Boston marathon; Comrades back to back; and…..first 100 miler (registered for Hali) if all goes well!

What else would you like to share? EndurRun is one of the most unique events I’ve been part of. It gets better every single year. Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who makes it happen!