Posted by & filed under 2019, Contender.

Hi, I’m Steve – looking forward to meeting everybody, I’ve heard it’s a great event.

For rookie Stephen Benn, the Dopey Challenge is just a warmup for ENDURrun 😉

How did you find out about ENDURrun? Heather and Andrew Heij

What convinced you to take the plunge? A few too many beverages

What exposure did you have to ENDURrun 2018? None, until the Heij’s came over for a swim on 10K Saturday

What advice have you been collecting? What are your sources? Just trying to figure out how to survive!

What are your ENDURrun 2019 stories? Sometimes it’s kind of fun to do the impossible

What are you nervous about, if anything? Heidelberg

What is your runner profile? A friend convinced me to do a half at Disney, my first race. I’ve never done a race longer than 10K outside Disney

What else would you like to share? Every single half I’ve done, I’ve been dressed as Donald Duck